今が、ターニングポイントなんではないだろうか? 北京オリンピックは、打ってつけだ。世界に配信しやすい環境が整っている。
今回の事は、革命だと思っていいのだろうか? 暴力に暴力で答えた瞬間、無になるように感じるんだがどうなんだろう? これも自然な事なんだろうか? ん〜答えが出ない。密教についてまだ、知る必要がありそうだ。曼荼羅でいう自利利他の教えをダライ・ラマ氏は伝えているのだろうか? 日本人にとってすぐ出来るとしたら不買運動なんだろうけど、この御時世中国製を排除したら食べ物がなくなってしまう。でも出来る範囲で拒否をするしかないかな。頑張って働いてるけど、そんな簡単に収入が増えるようにはならないからね。もちろんこの問題に同調している国も同様である。
Translation :
So, I would not be turning point?
Beijing Olympics, the good opportunity. The world is ready for delivery to the environment. China is the economic development for the Olympic Games, desperately want success.
Spielberg is directing the opening ceremony quit from the recent news knows how many, I guess, it was because of one of Darfur. Gyoza is also the case in Japan, has been ambiguous answer. Smart people as possible is not in the mouth.
Problems of the environment and the public, and thereby next to the Expo 2010 in Shanghai. Time is short.
Why is the Chinese government, Tibet's stick Why do you need?
Aside from the Tibetan side is not the only, but simply allowed lived in the house that it is not, I think it will be painful.
The thing is, I thought to be a revolution?
Violence answered violent moment, it is nonsense, what?
This is a natural thing? I have no answer.
I have a need to know more about the esoteric Buddhism.
Mandalas teachings "jiririta" to the Dalai Lama's teachings, said it conveyed?
Japanese soon as possible and I wonder if the boycott, but now I era, Chinese-made food to the exclusion if it is missing.
But a possible rejection.
It is also sad that so hard, bear watching.
Good luck to be working for you, so easy to increase revenue.
Of course this problem along with the same country.
These issues are gradually resolved, and want hope.
Then Asia is now more beautiful thing to feel like it.
P.S. Using a translation dictionary and translation software. My words may have a different connotation. Now, my friends fix you.
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